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 Kenneth Messlers, age 119 of Morton, Il

Was the Stone Age before the Ice Age?

The changing earth has lived through some two billion birthdays, There were past ages of coal‑making, mountain‑making and ages when massive glacier covered much of the land. Four great Ice Ages have come and gone during the past million years,

Mankind has been living in the world only during the past million year. or so. Looking backs we divide his early history into ages. These ages when, named from the material man used to make his tools and weapons, There was a long Stone Age  a Bronze Age and an Iron Age,

The Stone Age may have lasted the better part of a million years, It has been divided into three parts. First came the Eolithic: or Dawn Stone Age. Next came the Paleolithic, or Old Stone Age. Lastly came the Neolithic, or New Stone Age.

The Paleolithic Age may have started almost a million years ago, The Neolithic Age gave way to the Bronze Age only a few thousand years ago,

Hence, the Stone Age and  some of the Ice Ages occurred side by side.  The Ice Age refers to a period of weather in the history of the earth. The Stone Age refers to a period of mankind’s early history.

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