Rachel Huberts age 13 of Eastviow, Ontario, for her question:

What elements are in the sun’s corona?

The corona is a filmy halo around the sung yielding about half as much light as does the full moon. It is studied during a total solar eclipse, when the moon blots out the dazzling surface of the sun. The spectrum of the corona, taken at this time, shows it to contain ionized atoms of irony nickel, calcium and perhaps argon.

The sun and the stars are, we believe, composed of the same basic elements from which the earth is made. On earth, however, ties most plentiful element is oxygen. With six or seven other elements it makes up 99 per cent of everything in our world. In the stars, things are reversed. The elements hydrogen and helium account for 99 Per cent of the sun. Other elements are found in the remaining one per cent.