Robert Brash, aged 8, of Victoria, B.C. or his question:

Can a wolverine smell like a skunk?

The wolverine can certainly make a very bad smell. But he is not so good at this kind of chemical warfare as is the skunk. When it comes to smells, the skunk still claims to be the champ.

The wolverine is no relative of the wolf. Though he is as fierce and bloodthirsty as the wolf. He is also one of the greediest animals alive. He is sometimes called the glutton. Actually, he is the giant member of the weasel family, a clan noted for its musky odors. Like his cousin the skunk, he has special glands for creating bad smells.

The wolverine uses his smell to protect his food supplies. He is a great hoarder and will bury what he cannot eat at one meal. The hiding place is surrounded by the special smell. No other animal will touch his food, or even go near it. However, the horrible smell does not bother Mr. Wolverine Glutton.