Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
How long and how wide is africa? Written by Andy Hits: 12267
Does a frog hold. his breath under water?‑ Written by Andy Hits: 4445
Is there more ocean than land on earth? Written by Andy Hits: 7620
How is rubber made.? Written by Andy Hits: 2893
What was a clipper ship? Written by Andy Hits: 4103
How does a mother whale give birth? Written by Andy Hits: 3159
Is a scorpion poisonous? Written by Andy Hits: 2390
Where does the blackbird build his nest? Written by Andy Hits: 3306
What is a moraine? Written by Andy Hits: 2700
Why don't fish drown? Written by Andy Hits: 3657


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