Madeline Lieber, age 11,

What does a raccoon do in the winter?

Mr. Specs and his family are just about the busiest creatures in the woods. They are great snoops and cannot bear to miss anything interesting. When the climate allows, they remain actively busy all year round. But in certain regions, winter is too much for them. With great regret they curl up in some hollow tree and hibernate for a few weeks or even a few months.

The raccoon makes his home in a hollow tree not too far from a stream or pond. He loves to paddle and dabble in the mud. What's more, this is where he catches most of his food and washes it. His diet includes frogs, crustaceans and shellfish which he cracks in his strong teeth, Mr. Specs does most of his snooping by night, but he may be seen around on a cloudy day.