Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1960

Title Author Hits
Does the ostrich really hide his head in the sand? Written by Andy Hits: 2487
Where did the hamster originate? Written by Andy Hits: 2641
Which is the biggest island in the world Written by Andy Hits: 2362
Do we know what caused saturn's rims? Written by Andy Hits: 2187
How many light years away is the sun? Written by Andy Hits: 3782
Does a grasshopper hatch from a cocoon? Written by Andy Hits: 9503
How do bees make honey? Written by Andy Hits: 3497
How does wood grow? Written by Andy Hits: 6442
How is sandstone made? Written by Andy Hits: 4093
Does the skunk have and enemies? Written by Andy Hits: 3543


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