Welcome to You Ask Andy

Marie Jarosch, age 9, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for her question:

What is a toadfish?

A toadfish is a true fish, though you would not want him for a pet. His big wide head and his big wide mouth remind you of a toad, but he has a fishy tail and he lives in the water. He has a row of spikes on his chin and two side fins that spread out like fans. His skin is quite slimy and his teeth are very sharp. The grown toadfish is at least a foot long and, as you can imagine, he has never won a beauty contest.

We find him in warmish seas, usually in the shallow water near the shores. He prefers to spend most of his time on the bottom, often hidden among the rocks. Though rather lazy, he is always on the lookout for something to grab. If you happen to swim by him, he may grab your toe and hang on with all his might


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