Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
How do they judge the age of the earth? Written by Andy Hits: 1579
Do whooping cranes outnumber trumpeter swans? Written by Andy Hits: 1373
How is lava made? Written by Andy Hits: 1934
Are protozoa really animals? Written by Andy Hits: 1624
When did life on earth begin? Written by Andy Hits: 1377
Why do bees swarm? Written by Andy Hits: 1808
Can there be life on other planets? Written by Andy Hits: 1426
Why don't we feel the earth going around? Written by Andy Hits: 1526
How and where do clams grow? Written by Andy Hits: 5331
How deep is the sahara's sand? Written by Andy Hits: 2524


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