Bernie Anderson, age 13, of Marquette, Mich., for his question:


The hickory is a nut producing tree that belongs to the walnut family. There are about 15 species and all are native to North America. The pecan is the most important of the hickories. Hickory trees can reach heights of 100 feet or more.

Hickory wood is hard and tough. Many species are used as timber trees. The wood is used in cabinet and furniture making.

Male and female flowers grow on the same trees. It takes the two kinds of flowers to produce fruit.

Pecan trees are planted on irrigated lands in New Mexico, Arizona and California. Pecans have also been introduced into Israel, South Africa sad a number of North African coastal countries for local consumption.

The wood from some hickories is used to make tool handles.

Ham and bacon are often cured with hickory smoke.