Lisa Longmuir, age 11, of Prescott, Ariz., for her question:


Gila monster is a poisonous lizard that can be found is the southwestern part of the United States sad in northern Mexico. Here's how you pronounce the creature's name: he la. The "g" has the Spanish "h" sound.

A Gila monster has a thick body sad may grow to be 21 inches long.

Usually the Gila monster is only active at night but during the spring it often spends the daylight hours in the open. On its menu are young birds and bird eggs, small mammals and reptile eggs.

The Gila monster's thick tail is a storage place foe fat. It keeps the animal alive during long periods of drought and when it retires into its hole in winter. In July or August, the female will lay her eggs.

The animal's name comes from the Gila River in Arizona. It was near this river that the animal first was found.

Gila monsters are black with pink, yellow or orange spots on beadlike scales.