Anna Hartenberger, age 13, of Birmingham, Ala., for her question:


Peruvian and Brazilian Indians made the first hammocks.

Hammocks are hanging beds made of cloth or net with ropes attached to each end. These ropes are tied to hooks in the walls, to posts or to trees. Some hammocks swing from metal supports.

The early Peruvian and Brazilian Indians made their first hammocks from the bark of the hamack tree and called them "hamacas." Christopher Columbus, sailors learned to use hammocks from Indians of the West Indies.

For many years, sailors on board ships used hammocks for sleeping. They made them from heavy canvas three feet wide and six feet long. The ends of the canvas had cords attached to them. Sailors tied the cords to hooks fastened in the ships bulkheads or walls.

During World war II, the armed forces equipped most warships with bunks instead of hammocks. Merchant vessels also are usually equipped with bunks.

In summer, many people hang hammocks on porches or in yards. They offer excellent places to relax.