Scott Simons, age 13, of Nashville, Tenn., for his question:


The type of handball played in America today most likely originated a few hundred years ago among the Basque people of Spain. But it wasn't until 1950 that the United States Handball Association was set up, with headquarters in Skokie, I11., to help promote the game.

But the basis of handball certainly originated more than just a few hundred years ago. Drawings made by Egyptians thousands of years ago show people playing a game very similar to handball.

Handball is a game in which players hit a rubber bail against a wail with their hands. Each side tries to hit the ball in such a way that the other side cannot return the ball to the wall. The hard, hollow rubber ball is one and seven eighths of an inch in diameter and it weighs 2.3 ounces.

A game in which two persons oppose each other is called singles. Four persons can form two teams and play doubles.

Handball is played on courts with four walls, three walls or one wall.

Four wall handball is the most popular form. A standard four wall court is 20 feet high, 20 feet wide and 40 feet long. Its back wall must be at least 12 feet high.

One player starts a four wall handball game as the server. He stands in the service box, which is a zone 5 feet wide near the middle of the court. He drops the ball on the floor and then strikes it with his hand on the first bounce, driving it against the front wail. The ball must strike the front wall before hitting the floor or ceiling or another wall.

After hitting the front wall, the ball must bounce back over the short line, which is a center line across the width of the court. The serve may hit one side wall after hitting the front wall, but before the ball hits the ground, it must go over the short line.

After the serve, the opponent hits the ball if he can, and players take turns hitting it.

Players cannot hinder or block each other from hitting the bail.

In returning a ball, a player can use a combination of side walls or ceiling with the front wall.

If the server misses a return bail, he loses the serve. If his opponent misses, the server scores one point and serves again. The first player or team to score 21 points wins.

A match usually consists of the best two out of three games.

Three wailed handball has the same playing area and rules as four wall, but there is no back wail. Some three wail courts have ceilings.

One wall handball is played chiefly in the New York City area and usually outdoors. It is the only type of handball in which players can take a stationary block position against the opponent.

A standard one wail court is 20 by 34 feet and has a wall 16 feet high.