Dieter Kozusko, age 12, of Rock Island, Ill., for his question:


Kiwi is a New Zealand bird that cannot fly. Many of the birds live in the forests but human beings seldom see them because the birds are shy and will usually run away when anyone comes near them. The kiwi is about the size of a chicken.

The shaggy kiwi bird can be seen in many zoos. Its neck and legs are short and its bill is long and flexible. It has no tail and its wings are tiny and useless. The kiwi is the only bird that has nostrils at the tip of its bill. It uses them to smell food in the thick, wet forests where it lives.

At night the kiwi feeds on earthworms, insects and berries. During the day the bird hides.

There are three species of kiwis.

The female lays one or two very large white eggs in a hole in a bank. The male sits on the eggs for 75 days, until they hatch.

The term "kiwi" is a nickname for a New Zealander. It is also used for a member of an air service who is confined to ground duty.