Welcome to You Ask Andy

Sharon Ranck, age 10, of Williamsport, Penna., for her question:

How long does it take a spider to build her web?

A spider who is on her toes can build a complete web in an hour. If she dawdles, she may take two hours or even most of the morning. As a rule, she does not dawdle, for she cannot eat breakfast until the web is finished and in operation. She gets up early and tries to finish the web soon after sunrise. Then she waits patiently fox' a passing fly or other insect to get trapped in her silken net.

Every outdoor web is sure to become torn or damaged during the day, It is damaged when it catches an insect and even the wind may blow a hole in it. Mrs. Spider never repairs her web. Instead, she finds another suitable place and builds another. Almost always she has to build a new one each morning.


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