Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
Why does a mountain to sometimes look like a pile of stones? Written by Andy Hits: 1330
Does the cowbird build a nest? Written by Andy Hits: 1373
Is true that porcupines like salt? Written by Andy Hits: 1998
What are ohms? Written by Andy Hits: 1933
Can you tell the age of a tree without counting the rings? Written by Andy Hits: 1783
How long ago did birds begin to fly? Written by Andy Hits: 1896
Do violets sometimes bloom in the fall? Written by Andy Hits: 1346
What is a fiddler crab? Written by Andy Hits: 1505
How were the asteroids discovered? Written by Andy Hits: 1611
What are the horse marines? Written by Andy Hits: 1262


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