Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
What was a half faced camp like? Written by Andy Hits: 4156
Is dandruff infectious? Written by Andy Hits: 2695
Why is air needed in a gas range? Written by Andy Hits: 1420
What makes the tides go in and out? Written by Andy Hits: 3654
Can type b blood be given to everyone? Written by Andy Hits: 2726
What is a pit viper? Written by Andy Hits: 1630
How many molars do we have? Written by Andy Hits: 3050
Why doesn't the moon fall from the sky? Written by Andy Hits: 2795
Who thought of having the flag aver school buildings? Written by Andy Hits: 1583
What does par avion mean? Written by Andy Hits: 3935


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