Welcome to You Ask Andy

Diane Morley, age 12  of Canton, N. C., or her question:

What is dust?

The solid things we see around us are constantly wearing away. Fragments of soil dry up and blow off on the breezes. The wind, the weather and blowing sand are forever chipping away at the rocks and the mountains. Buildings, our clothes, even the rugs and furniture are constantly wearing away. Actually, all these solid things break down into fine fragments of dust. When the air is stills as it is inside a house, the air borne particles of dust settle down and we see them on all the solid surfaces.

True, everything is forever breaking down into dust. But this dose not mean that our solid old world will end as a heap of dust, not at all.  Fallen dust collects in layers, not only indoors but outdoors. There it mingles with the soil or makes layers of new rocks. In time they too turn to dust which, in time, becomes solid rocks again.



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