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Jeffrey Johnson, age 9, of Grand Rapids, Minn., for his question:


One of the most popular of all salad dressings is French Dressing. The name was selected because the recipe was developed and perfected in France many years ago.

Chefs say that it is best to make French dressing just before you use it, rather than many hours early.

The classic proportion of three to four parts of olive oil to one part of lemon juice, lime juice or vinegar should be used. Then the chef adds salt and pepper to taste. Other condiments can be added, such as Worcestershire sauce, chili sauce, chutney, spices, Roquerfort cheese, sweet and sour cream as well as herbs and garlic.

Fresh herbs should be added only when the dressing is ready to be used because they become strong and unpleasant if left in the oil for any length of time, some chefs say.



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