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  Charlene Billings. age 11. of Houston$ Texas

Who are the days of the week named after?

The names of our days are very old indeed. Long ago. people believed that the world was ruled by a number of gods and goddesses. These glamorous people were supposed to live in a magic place all their own. The Romans called this place Olympia. The Norse people of northern Europe believed their hero‑gods lived in a place called Valhalla.

In olden times  people wanted to keep on the good side of these gods and goddesses. It seemed a good idea to name .a day in honor of a favorite most of‑our days were named to honor the hero‑gods of the Norse people.

Tuesday is our third day of the weeks It was named by the Norsemen to honor a hero named Tuip also spelled tyre ‑ Tui wag the son of Wodens and Woden was the king of all the Norse gods of Valhalla. Tui was a sky and weather god. He was also supposed to be a good friend to have on your side when you went to war. Though we no longer believe this we still call the third day of the week Tuesday in his honor.

Wednesday was Woden’s day. When first named it was 'a very important days for it honored the king of the Norse gods. The story says that Woden once gave away one of his eyes for a drink from a magic fountain. The magic water gave him boundless wisdom in return. So the Norsemen looked to Woden when they wanted an extra supply of wisdom or good sense.

Thor was the Norse god of thunder„ The old tales describe him as a fiery  red‑headed fellow. He carried a great hammer and could toss forth the thunderbolts. Thor was most honored in Greenland and Iceland. The people there said that their favorite god rode over the sky in a cart drawn by goats. The thunder was caused by the rumbling wheels. Thursday was named in honor of the god Thor.

Friday was named for Friggaf queen of Valhalla and wife of Woden. Saturday crept into our week from Olympia  the home of all the gods of ancient Rome. Saturn was a Roman god. He was supposed to be in charge of sowing crops sowing crops and seeds of all kinds. The Romans said that Saturn. was once an ancient king who ruled when times were very good. Saturday. our last day of the week. is named for old Saturn.

Monds is Monday. It too came to us from old Norse days. Sunday was; the day to give honor to the sun. This day was set aside by the ancient; peoples; in Germany and England. To us it is the. first day of the week. It is; the day for going to church. for resting and relaxing. All of which makes it very good day to be the very first day of the week.


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