Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
How fast is the earth going around the sun? Written by Andy Hits: 1518
Why does a stick bounce? Written by Andy Hits: 1795
How did the turnpike get such a name? Written by Andy Hits: 1667
How many volcanoes are still active? Written by Andy Hits: 2320
What are cold and warm weather fronts? Written by Andy Hits: 1727
What is a pig in a poke? Written by Andy Hits: 1783
What is our theory about the on in of saturn’s rings? Written by Andy Hits: 1539
Does the lightning happen before the thunder? , Written by Andy Hits: 1808
What creature has the shortest life span? Written by Andy Hits: 7281
What keeps the planets in their orbits? Written by Andy Hits: 23999


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